The member states of the union underwent economic reforms and privatisation. In the 1990s, Russia and the Central Asian republics were weakened economically and faced declines in GDP. 7.3 Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.4.4 Court of the Eurasian Economic Union.1.5 Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union.1.4 Establishing the customs union and single market (2010–2014).There is also a judicial body – the Court of the EAEU. The day-to-day work of the EAEU is done through the Eurasian Economic Commission, the executive body of the Union. The second level of intergovernmental institutions is represented by the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council (consisting of the Heads of the governments of member states). The Supreme Eurasian Economic Council is the supreme body of the Union, consisting of the Heads of the Member States. The union operates through supranational and intergovernmental institutions. Provisions for a single currency and greater integration are envisioned for the future.
The EAEU encourages the free movement of goods and services, and provides for common policies in the macroeconomic sphere, transport, industry and agriculture, energy, foreign trade and investment, customs, technical regulation, competition, and antitrust regulation. The Eurasian Economic Union has an integrated single market of 184 million people and a gross domestic product of over Int$5 trillion. Kyrgyzstan participated in the EAEU from the day of its establishment as an acceding state. Kyrgyzstan's accession treaty came into effect on 6 August 2015. Armenia's accession treaty came into force on 2 January 2015. Treaties aiming for Armenia's and Kyrgyzstan's accession to the Eurasian Economic Union were signed on 9 October and 23 December 2014, respectively. The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union was signed on by the leaders of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia, and came into force on 1 January 2015. The Eurasian Economic Union ( EAEU or EEU) is an economic union of some post-Soviet states located in Eurasia. By Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev.